divendres, 28 de setembre del 2012

My summer holidays!


Hello, my name is Albert Quintanas and I'm 14 years old and today I'm talking about my summer holidays.
First I'm going to explain the days that I stayed in Palamós.
Then I'm going to explain the days that I stayed in PortAventura.
Finally I'm going to explain the days that I stayed in Banyoles.

When I finished school I prepared the things to go to Palamós whit my family; my father, mother and my brother. There I met parents friends.
Now I'm going to talk about the routine of the days in Palamós.
Every day I got up at ten o'clock and I had breakfast in terrace. We could see the fantastic views of the sea. Later I went to the beach and there we sunbathed or go snorkeling... But I don't like the sea, I prefer my swimming pool in Banyoles. At two o'clock I had lunch and after that I went to the apartament to relax. In the evenings I spent time walking around Palamós with my family.

After Palamós I spent three days in PortAventura. I went there with my friend Bryan and his family. I stayed in Costa Caribe Hotel. We bought a express gold card and we could go to all the roller coasters on the first line and we didn't have to wait in the queue. I had much fun and I went to the tallest rollercosters. One example is: Shambhala.

When I came back from PortAventura. I stayed in Banyoles and I met friends and we spent time together around the lake playing basketball, football, going to the cinema, etc... Also, at the nights, we went to summer party's. One example it was the last party in Olot, FDT.

Thankyou for your attention and I hope you enjoyed!

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