The year is 1978. On planet Earth, all is calm. Children are sleep and parents are eating dinner. Buit in Japan, something strange is happening. High in the sky, a UFO appears. Soon a second one comes, then a third and fourth...It's an alien invasion!
Thankfully the aliens aren't real but part or a new video game called SPACE INVADERS. Invented by Tomohiro Nishikado, it became the most successful videogame ofits generation: It made $2 billion in five years. It followed games Like Pong (1972) which revolutionized computer games: Now you could play them at home.
In 1980, Pacman, the yellow face who eats monsters, became the best selling game. Seven million copies were sold. He also became the first recognizable video game character.
In the early 1980, Atari consoles made video games at home more fun and easy to play. Then, consoles from Sega and the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) improved the gaming experience Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. made stars of two plumbers from Brooklyn.
What is it?Sleepy Hollow is a 1999 American period horror film directed by Tim Burton. It is a film adaptation loosely inspired by the 1820 short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow".
The original intention had been to shoot Sleepy Hollow predominately on location with a $30 million budget.Towns were scouted throughout Upstate New York along the Hudson Valley,and the filmmakers decided on Tarrytown for an October 1998 start date.
Johnny Depp as Ichabod Crane: His belief in improved methods of justice, new investigative techniques and scientific procedures is resented by his superiors, who dispatch him north to the Hudson Valley and the small town of Sleepy Hollow.
Christina Ricci as Katrina Van Tassel: Ichabod's love interest and only heir to one of the neighborhood's richest farmers.
Miranda Richardson as Lady Van Tassel / Crone Sister: Wife of Baltus and stepmother of Katrina.
Marc Pickering as Young Masbath: An orphan who looks towards Ichabod as a father figure after his own father is murdered by the Horseman.
Sir Michael Gambon as Sir Baltus Van Tassel: Katrina's father. After Peter Van Garret is murdered, he is placed as the leader of the city.
Jeffrey Jones as Reverend Steenwyck: The town priest.
Casper Van Dien as Brom Van Brunt: A strong and arrogant aristocratic man who is somewhat romantically involved with Katrina.
Ian McDiarmid as Doctor Lancaster: The town doctor and surgeon in the village.
Michael Gough as Notary Hardenbrook: The town banker and possibly the oldest citizen in the town.
Christopher Walken as The Headless Horseman: A brutal and sadistic Hessian mercenary sent to America during the American Revolutionary War.
Claire Skinner as the Midwife Beth Killian: The town's Midwife.
Steven Waddington as Killian.
Richard Griffiths as Magistrate Philipse: The town's magistrate.
Sir Christopher Lee as the Burgomaster who sends Ichabod to investigate the murders at Sleepy Hollow.
Alun Armstrong as the High Constable
Martin Landau (previously won an Academy Award on Tim Burton's Ed Wood) portrays Peter Van Garrett with no dialogue; and is murdered by the Headless Horseman in the opening scene.
Lisa Marie as Lady Crane, Ichabod's mother (in flashbacks) who was involved in witchcraft and later painfully murdered by his strict religious father.
Peter Guiness as Lord Crane, Ichabod's father (in flashbacks) who was a devoutly religious man who tortured and killed his wife after he found her practising witchcraft.
beyond-Cavaller spell-encanteri flesh-carn stepmother-madrastra skull-calavera pumpkin-carbassa Knight of death-cavaller de la mort decapitated- decapitat
Halloween (also spelled Hallowe'en) is an annual holiday celebrated on October 31. It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holy day of All Saints.
Originally Halloween was a pagan festival, around the idea of linking the living with the dead, when contact became possible between the spirits and the physical world, and magical things were more likely to happen. Like most pagan festivals, long ago it was absorbed into the festivals of the expanding Christian church, and became associated with All Hallows Day, or All Saints Day, which eventually fell on November 1.
The celebration of Halloween survived most strongly in Ireland. It was an end of summer festival, and was often celebrated in each community with a bonfire to ward off the evil spirits. Children would go from door to door in disguise as creatures from the underworld to collect treats, mainly fruit, nuts and the like for the festivities. These were used for playing traditional games like eating an apple on a string or bobbing for apples and other gifts in a basin of water, without using your hands. Salt might be sprinkled on the visiting children to ward off evil spirits. Carving turnips as ghoulish faces to hold candles became a popular part of the festival, which has been adapted to carving pumpkins in America.
The day is often associated with the colours black and orange, and is strongly associated with symbols like the jack-o'-lantern. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes and attending costume parties, ghost tours, bonfires, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.
When and where is it celebrated? Is it a religious celebration? What does the word 'Halloween' mean?Name 2 typical games.When did it become a dangerous celebration?Why?How do people celebrate it today?
Refers to thetraditionalcelebrationinherited fromthe celebrationsof Celtic origin, which have spreadrapidlythroughout theworld, especially forEnglish-speaking countries.
For manycenturies,Britain, Scotland and Ireland, on 31 Octobercelebratedthe festival ofSamhain, which coincided withthe last dayof the yearaccording tothe ancientCeltsandAnglo-Saxoncalendars. Samhainwas the godof the dead.Some sourcesindicate that theGaelicword"Samhain" literallymeans "end of summer." The daywascelebratedSamhain, so onNew Year's Eve. At that time,largelightedbonfiresonthe mountainsto repelevil spirits. It is alsobelieved thatthe soulsof the deadvisitedtheir oldhomesto try to finda bodyonlive, andwere accompaniedbywitches andspirits.So itwas littolightthe housesandpeopledressedaswitchesanddemonstoanylivingsoulwantedhis body.
With the adventof Christianitywas establishedon the first dayof NovemberasAll Saints Day. Then,on October 31becameAllHallowsEve (Old English forAll SaintsEve, that is: "Eve ofAll Saints Day", as Hallowis awordinOld Englishmeans "Saint" or "sacred" and that comesalong withthemodernholyword, theGermanicwordkhailag), whence camethe wordHalloween.
Many of thetraditionsof Halloweenwereturned intochildren's playthatbroughtIrish immigrantsto theUnited Statesin the nineteenth century. From there, the tradition, thecultural colonizationof theUnited Statesof America, began tospread throughoutthe world, andhas evencome toabsorbthe customsassociated withwearingtheAll Saints Day, passingsomeof their traditionsin thewake.
Two of themost popularHalloweengamesaretrick or treatingor dunking or apple bobbing.
TRICK OR TREATING: is aHalloweenactivitywherechildrenroam theneighborhoodhousescostumes,trick or treatingwith the phrase "Trick or treat?'.Thetrick is ahoaxthreattohomeownersin the eventof failure toprovide sweets.Laactivity isvery popular in theUnited States, UnitedKingdom, Ireland, Northern Mexico, Canada,among others.Due tocultural exportin recentyears has expandedto Australia, NewZealand, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Canada, El Salvador,and in many partsof Europe.
APPLE BOBBING: Apple bobbing originated from Celtic traditions when Halloween was called Samhain. It is played by putting your hands behind your back and trying to catch an apple with your teeth. The player who catches an apple the fastest wins the game. Here are a few fun ideas to spice up the game.
Thesescuba divers in Germanyplayedthesame card game underwater for 36 hours. That's record! 16 divers played in shifts so thattheycouldexchange oxygentanks. Theysat on thebottomof a poolandplayed a traditional card game.
If you like the Black Eyed Peas and Michael Jackson,or Beatles and Led Zeppelin, you might like LMFAO. The group say thay have been influenced by many different styles of music,from rap and hip hop to rock. The result is a new style of music: ''party rock''. The album Sorry Fot Party Rocking, with the single " Party Rock Anthem", is a big hit and now LMFAO are working on a Party Rock clothing* line. Do you like Party Rock?
Albert and I are friends. Albert live near me here in Banyoles. He lives in an interesting modern house. We go to same school and we're neighbours and I often go to his place.
Albert is fourteen years old. He's quite tall and he's got short brown hair. The good thing about him is that he's funny, frendly and generous. Although he can also be stubborn sometimes, and he isn't always very practical.
Albert is happiest when he's chatting, playing with play station3 and jonking with friends. He likes going out and meeting other people. There is a basketball camp near town and we often go there. He also like playing football and sometimes we play that together.
The highlight of this week's TV was definitely “Piratas del Caribe : Mares misteriosas ”This is a summary of the film: Captain Jack Sparrow is on a quest to find the fabled Fountain of Youth and crosses paths with a former lover, Angelica. She forces Jack aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, a ship captained by the infamous pirate Blackbeard, Angelica's father. Both are also in search for the Fountain; Angelica to save her father's soul, the Spanish to destroy the fountain believing that the powers are an abomination against God, and Blackbeard to escape a prophecy of his fatal demise by a one legged man. Former pirate captain Barbossa, now a privateer in King George II's Navy, is in search of the fountain with Britian, and to exact revenge against Blackbeard for having sunk the Black Pearl and losing his right leg.
I like this great film!(:This is the trailer:
The Simpsons was also worth watching on Neox. In Monday's episode, the family went to Roma, Italy and Bob attempts to killBart. Overall it was a fun and exciting episode.
Finally, something which also caught my eye was a story on Saturday's news on TV3, television of Catalonia. A man killed his partner and went to California to live. This news was horrible.
The first days of my summer holiday I went to Campus Berni Alvarez in Camprodon. I stayed seven days and every day I played basketball. I got up at seven o’clock and at eight o'clock I went to run into the forest. Then I had breakfast and after that I went for training. At one o'clock the train finished and I went for lunch and then I went for training again. At nine o'clock I went for dinner and at ten o'clock I went to a pavilion to do competitions of three vs three .
A week later I went to Campus Jordi Trias in Banyoles which lasted seven days. The campus started at nine o'clock and finished at five o'clock. At half past nine the train started and finished at eleven o'clock. Then I went to swim on lake. At half past one I went to lunch and then I went for training again.
In late summer I went to snt. Antoni de Calonge with my family. I swam on the sea and I sunbathed. I don't like the sea very much... I PREFER THE SWIMMING POOL!
What I like most of the summer is spend every evening with my friends and play football , or swim in the lake, go to the cinema, go to the Parc de la Draga etc..
What I liked the least was to do my summer homework.. BUT I LOVE MY SUMMER HOLIDAYS!!!...
The first days of my summer holiday I went to Campus Berni Alvarez in Camprodon. I stayed seven days and every day I played basketball. I got up at seven o’clock and at eight o'clock I went to run into the forest. Then I had breakfast and after that I went for training. At one o'clock the train finished and I went for lunch and then I went for training again. At nine o'clock I went for dinner and at ten o'clock I went to a pavilion to do competitions of three vs three .
A week later I went to Campus Jordi Trias in Banyoles which lasted seven days. The campus started at nine o'clock and finished at five o'clock. At half past nine the train started and finished at eleven o'clock. Then I went to swim on lake. At half past one I went to lunch and then I went for training again.
In late summer I went to snt. Antoni de Calonge with my family. I swam on the sea and I sunbathed. I don't like the sea very much... I PREFER THE SWIMMING POOL!
What I like most of the summer is spend every evening with my friends and play football , or swim in the lake, go to the cinema, go to the Parc de la Draga etc..
What I liked the least was to do my summer homework.. BUT I LOVE MY SUMMER HOLIDAYS!!!...
Observation of my presentation:
In general the presentation is good. I haven'tmadegrammatical errors but i spoke some words with catalan. I used one resource, the POWER POINT althoughI did notgotoo well because I didn't kept the photographs in the pendrife. The POWER POINT is good and beautiful but i did worked one slide. I looked my audience all the time but some words i haven't remembered and i looked the paper. I did gestures and movement to hold the attention of my audience. I organized my ideas in the order of importance. I used discourse markers to make me ideas more clear( First, then, secondly,on the one hand, on the other hand,finally..) I saidwhat I thought EX: "I prefer the swimming pool that the beach". I did check my grammar (verbs, names,adjectives). I used rich vocabulary and sentences linkers (but,because,also).
Albert: Who are you looking at,Clara? Clara: Oh,hi,Albert. Who's that girl over there? Albert:The boy with the short hair? Clara: No,the boy with the red jeans. He's playing football. Albert: OH,yes. What about his? Clara:Dos he go to our school? Albert:Yes, that's Jorge Williams. He's in year 14,why? Clara:He looks nice.He's got a friendly face. Albert: He's OK, but you aren't her type, Clara. He like blond girls! Clara:Oh, that's a pity. Never mind
1. What is global warming?Global warming is the current rise in the average temperature of Earth's oceans and atmosphere.
2. What is the process involved in the greenhouse effect?The greenhouse effect is a naturally occurring process that aids in heating the Earth's surface and atmosphere. It results from the fact that certain atmospheric gases, such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane, are able to change the energy balance of the planet by absorbing longwave radiation emitted from the Earth's surface. Without the greenhouse effect life on this planet would probably not exist as the average temperature of the Earth would be a chilly -18° Celsius, rather than the present 15° Celsius.
3. What signs warn us about global warming?Thetemperatureincreases,sea levelrisesandicebergsaremelting. 4. Can you quote another term for global warming?Yes, Greenhouseeffectincreases
5. Watch the video and explain this idea: Global warming: panic or reality?This video tells us that global warming exists. He is currently climbing the greenhouse effect. That hurts us. Also many people believe it is panic but it is actually true. Because the humans are going pollution global warming of the Earth.
What can we do to stop global warming? Suggest five ideas.
1. What were the crusades about? They were Christian's expeditions into Muslim territory.
2. How about the same period in Spain and Catalonia? Yes,Catalans went to the crusaders.
3. Where's Robin Hood at the beginning of the film? In England.
4. Why is Azeem with Robin? Because is his friend, and want to help him, and to get the freedom.
5. Where do Robin and Azeem go? They went to Sherwood forest.
6. Who are the outlaws? Where do they live? Persons who are out of the law because they want to be free. 7. What happened to Robin's father? The sheriff of Nottingham killed him 8. Who's Lady Marian? The cousin of King Richard. 9. Why do Robin and Azeem join the outlaws? They aren't agree with the king and the laws.
10. Why do they fight against the Sheriff of Nottingham? Because Sheriff was a bad and greedy person and he want to got married with Lady Marian.
Can you explain how the film ends? Yes,RobinandMarianmarriedandappearedKingRichard
HiMy name's Albert and I live in Banyoles in Catalonia. I like the area where I live, so i want to improve it.
In my opinion there aren't many cinemas and open spaces in the area. As a result , a lot of people don't go out because there's a lot of noise and traffic.
I think the council should do something about this. I'm sure they must have some land which local people can use park or city garden project.
Dear Sir o MadamI am the captain of the basketball club in Banyoles, Catalonia. The name of the club is The Banyolins. I am writing to you because we are planning a tournament and we are looking for sponsors.
The tournament will take place in London in May. Teams from 23 countries and fans 20,000 are going to be in London for this event, and I think that it will be good publicity for your company.
Please contact me if you are interested in sponsoring us or if you need any more information. I look forward to hearing from you.
PRESENTATION We made a powerpoint with photos of the Royal Family, for got more attention of the audience and did a funny the presentation. We spent around 4,5 minutes.
BODY LANGUAGE I was nervous and I looked to the public but I read a little bit. STRUCTURE We organist the structure chronologically. CONTENT The information was correct,we show photos of the people we were talking and we used exempels .
LANGUAGE We spent a lot of time making the content and revising the grammar. I think it was correct, and the vocabulary was rich too. In a few moments we repeated some words and I pronoune bad because I was nervous.
PHONETICS I pronounce all the words properly, but I was very nervous and some words maybe I didn't pronounce very well.